Privacy & Safety

Accident Policy

Each Preston Early Learning Centre staff is required to obtain and maintain a current First Aid/CPR certification. Documentation for both minor and major injuries will be completed and addressed with each family in accordance with the current Child Care Regulations Act.

Accident Procedure

If a child receives an injury while at daycare the following actions will be taken:

  • For Minor Injuries: First aid and comfort is given to the child. An accident form will be filled out by witnessing staff, read and signed by parent, signed by director and placed in child’s file.

  • For Major Injuries (where child is mobile): First aid will be give to the best of the staff’s ability, parent or emergency person will be notified, director or designate will transport child in his/her own vehicle to an emergency room with emergency card from daycare. An unusual occurrence form will be filled out by all parties involved and submitted to daycare consultant. The order of the steps may vary.

  • For Major Injuries (where child is immobile): First aid will be give to the best of the staff’s ability, parent or emergency person will be notified, director or designate will call an ambulance and emergency department. Director or designate will accompany the child in the ambulance to the hospital. An unusual occurrence form will be filled out by all parties involved and submitted to daycare consultant. The order of the steps may vary.

Driving While Under the Influence Policy

A parent or designate come to pick up a child while under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Driving While Under the Influence Procedure

In the event that a parent or designate is suspected of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol staff and/or director will take the following actions:

  1. Ask parent or designate if they are driving

  2. If the answer is yes, suggestions to have someone else pick up the child, to call a taxi or take the bus will be offered.

  3. If parent or designate does not comply with suggestions the child will not be released.

  4. If parent or designate leaves the centre, staff/director will report the driver as impaired to the Saskatoon City Police.

Fire Drill Policy

It is required that each facility practice and record fire drills once per month.

Fire Drill Procedure

Once per month a fire alarm will be simulated and children will be evacuated from the building. All rooms will be checked and roll-call will be taken outside the facility. Staff will ensure they take children’s emergency information and the daily sign in sheets with them on each fire drill.

Fire Emergency

In the event there is a real fire children will be evacuated out of the building to the following designated locations:

  • People at the Preston location will be evacuated to the Holliston location

  • People at the Holliston location will be evacuated to the Preston location

  • People at the Fairhaven location will be evacuated to St. Mark School

  • People at the Willowgrove/Holy Family location will be evacuated to Erindale Alliance Church

  • People at the Stonebridge location will be evacuated to the LutherCare Community Village.

Parents or emergency contacts will be telephoned to pick up children immediately.

Illness/ Communicable Diseases Policy

Children who are unable to participate in all activities at the daycare due to an illness are unable to attend daycare until they are able to participate in all activities. Children who have a communicable disease are required to be away from the child care centre according to the recommendations laid out by Saskatoon Public Health or based on a doctor note stating the child is healthy enough to return to the facility.

Illness/ Communicable Disease Procedure

Staff monitors each child’s health on a daily basis. If a child arrives at daycare too ill to participate they are not able to attend daycare that day. If a child becomes ill while at daycare the child will be removed from other children and parents or alternates will be contacted to come have child picked up immediately. The child will continue to be isolated from others until picked up. A sign will be posted of any communicable disease has been reported to the daycare.

Sunscreen and Insect Repellent Policy

Sunscreen and insect repellent will be provided and applied by the daycare staff daily as needed

Sunscreen and Insect Repellent Procedure

Insect Repellent will be applied as needed during outdoor play:

  • Insect repellent with a deet concentration of 10% or less will be used on children ages 2 years and up. (maximum of 2x a day)

  • Insect repellent will a deet concentration of 7% or less will be used on children 2 months – 2 years. (maximum of 1x a day)

Sunscreen will be applied 30 minutes prior to going outdoors and after water play:

  • Sunscreen with a SPF of 45 is used on infants and toddlers and a SPF of 30 is used on children 3-12 years old.

Parents who wish to provide sunscreen and/or insect repellent other than that which is supplied at daycare must inform their child’s staff members and label child’s sunscreen with their name.

Outdoor Play

Fresh air and exercise are essential to growing, healthy minds and bodies. Therefore all children shall have a minimum of a half-hour free outdoor play each day.

Exceptions include:

  • Outdoor temperatures in excess of +35 C.

  • Outdoor temperatures below -35 C including wind-chills

  • Conditions where the children's safety will be in question.

  • The months of April to October - three-quarters of an hour free outdoor play, every morning and afternoon must be provided.

  • School holidays and vacations - three-quarters of an hour free outdoor play every morning and afternoon, at the School age centre. Each of the centres provides a very large, accessible and enclosed area for outdoors fun and activities. As well, the centres are conveniently located so that trips to neighboring parks, and spray and splash pools can provide variety to the children's outdoor play.